I've always thought that one of the greatest bonuses of being a keen gardener/veg grower is the fact that the winter months seem to pass so much quicker when there's so much to plan and look forward to in the new year's garden/plot.
I know of few gardeners who do not relish the sight of the new seed catalogues bursting with glorious colour and the promise of bounty to come!
Last year was our first full year at the new plot and most of that was spent attempting to transform the meadow into a semblance of order. We have always implemented a bed system which makes for easier rotation & planning, also several nearby plots unfortunately suffer with club root, which we are naturally, hoping to avoid - so far, so good.
Having managed to organise the general shape of the plot & start the bed system off last year, this year is all about improving our soil (fine, sandy) and looking to improve our mulching in case of another very dry summer. We now have almost two full compost bins full of leaf mould on the go as well as our newly aquired pile of well rotted manure.
Also, we intend to carry on adding to what l term the more exotic/rarer veg, fruit & herbs as well as the fabled "seaside" raised bed which will feature a selection of veg/leaves which l feel compliment fish dishes. I will blog about this project in February.
Finally, the front of the plot features two smaller beds which are the designated bee, wild leaves & herb areas. Again, these will be listed in more detail in February.
Happy gardening!